1.What is the next letter in this sequence?
2.What is the next letter in this sequence?
3.What is the next number in this sequence?
4.What is the next number in this sequence?
5.What is the next number in this sequence?
6.What is first? Chicken or Egg?
7.A person living in New York. Is it legal to bury him in India?
8.What is this code means?
4433555 555666096667775553
9.A five letters word her. If we remove last 2 letters or 4 letters it remains have same pronunciation. What’s that word?
10.A cow boy went to New York on Friday and spent one night there. After that he come back on Friday. How is it possible?
1. M for March, A for April, M for May, J for June, J for July ………….. So the answers is D(Decemeber).
2.T for Two, T for Three, F for Four, F for Five ……. So the answer is T(Ten).
3.Answer is 100. The missing numbers in this sequence have letter ‘t’ in their spelling. After eleven, upto 100, All numbers have letter ‘t’ in their spellings. In hundred there is no ‘t’.
5.Answer is 13112221. Top to bottom read the lines. First line has 1. So, I write the first line as one one in th second line like 11. I write the second line as two ones in the third line like 21.I write the third line as one two, one one in the fourth line like 1211………. The final line is one three, one one, two twos,two ones which are in the sixth line.
6.Dinosaurs laid eggs long ago. So eggs are first.
7.It is illegal to bury a living person.
8.It gives “Hello world” in mobile text editor.
10.The horse name is Friday.